"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
The stark reality is that our neglect of the South African “boy child” has led to a crisis in our country. We have created a culture of anxiety and anger in our youth and we need to replace that with a culture of MENtorship. Our boys cannot be expected to walk life’s road without role models and then blame them when they lose their way. We need to talk less and do more. We invite you to join the Character Company team and see what an important role you can play in raising boys to be good men.



The Road To Becoming A MENtor
Familiarise yourself with who we are and what we stand for by checking out the rest of our website and our facebook page. The Character Company (TCC) is a registered Non-Profit and Public Benefit Organisation with a formal board of directors.
To become a TCC MENtor you must be:
1. Prepared to share our value system which is founded on Christian principles.
2. A positive male role model in good standing in your home, workplace, and general community.
3. Prepared to make a commitMENt to MENtor a group of boys once a week for at least a year.
The minimum requirements for MENtorship are:
1. A 3-hour MENtoring session once a week with no more than 5 boys allocated to you as a MENtor (weekday or weekend).
2. Assist with a minimum of 2 camps a year.
3. Assist with a minimum of 2 Saturday events a year.
4. Prepare for your group session before meeting with the boys.
5. To complete weekly register and feedback questionnaire.
6. To be prepared to be MENtored by another MENtor.
Training of our MENtors:
All TCC MENtors will receive “on the job” training and will not be left alone to figure this out for themselves. Our MENtors manual (curriculum) will be made available once you become an “MENtor” to give you guidance on the monthly themes and weekly topics.
This is not for Me
Should you feel that this is not what you had in mind, please remember that you can still make a difference and if you cannot be a MENtor, how about helping us to put a MENtor in a community by nominating someone else that would be interested.
Other ways to Help
What can YOU do to help us raise boys to be good men... you can get involved by donating money, time, skills and/or goods which will enable us to continue with our current program and expand into new regions.
Ready to get involved?
Watch the Introduction to Seed video
Read our statement of faith
Check out the rest of our website to learn more about who we are and what we do
Pray and prepare yourself for the next steps. We often forget that when we step out in faith, we paint a big target on ourselves so expect some challenges as you make this commitment.
Share this decision with your family and your support group and ask them to pray with you about this. Now is the time to put on that armour!
Successfully complete our online MENtorship Intake questionnaire
Complete the online registration form with your personal information as a “Seed”
Verify your account using the email address you provide
Attach and submit the documentation required at this point
One of our committed Intake Coordinators will then get in touch with you and guide you through the rest of the process
All TCC MENtors are thoroughly screened and vetted
You will be required to submit various documents including:
A certified copy of ID or passport
The MENtors Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed
A police clearance certificate
At least 3 character references and a check against the children’s register with the Department of Social Development will also be done.
All personal information is securely stored on our “roots database”, a safe and secure custom-made platform for TCC where all information of all our moms, boys and MENtors is kept and verified. If you have any queries, please contact Redmond Louw on redmond.ch@racter.co.za or 010 590 3102. We aim to get back to you within 24 hours of your enquiry, but we are often out of the office raising boys to be good men so please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Introduction to Seed